Oh Duck!

Not quite sure where to start......yes.....it was one of those days!!!

Remember me saying I thought this was the Bank Holiday weekend, so I invited friends to stay and bought tickets to the Edenbridge and Oxted show for today??? Well, friends still came and I made new plans and thought we'd go to Sheffield Park on the Bluebell Railway. Great idea of mine! Or so I thought!

So last night I checked the train times, we walked to the station, watched the train come in on time (the times I said it would), had a lovely journey to Sheffield park and a short walk across the fields to Sheffield Park Gardens.

Shirleys shoe then broke. But she didnt complain!

We walked round the lakes, ate cake, drank tea, had ice lollies, sat on the pond edge, watched ducks walking under Mr W's legs while he dozed in the sun (nothing strange about that!!!!), got back to the train station, got the train times wrong, missed the last train home!!!!! No phone signal, no buses running home!!!

So after much pondering and trying to think like Bear Grylls, I sent Mr W back into the station to find a phone. As luck would have it, one of the station workers just happened to be a taxi driver who just happened to have his taxi with him, who just happened to have finished work at the station,  just happened to have to drive through East Grinstead to get home! I was finally redeemed!!!

So thought I just had to post a picture of a duck under Mr W's legs because you couldnt make that bit up!

But it was a great weekend, with great friends despite the broken shoe and missed train!!!


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