
By Instography


The box is finished - lined, hinged, hasped and locked. And a bit ruined I suspect having disappeared upstairs after talk of stuff being written on paper and sellotaped to it. Those five coats won't survive sellotape. Ah well.  It's all useful practice of one kind or another.

Yesterday's garage tidying continued with a trip to the dump and more rearranging. I need to be more ruthless, especially with little odds and ends - screws and little bolts and bits of things and wood that might come in handy. They probably won't. Chuck 'em. But at least I've got most of the things that I keep tripping over off the floor.

And I've got the boards for the box's lid glued up and I've resisted the temptation to take them out of the clamps so they'll be in there until tomorrow night, which is a good thing.

This little guy was wandering across the garden as I walked down the path and, of course, Rusty went for it. Well, got quite close and barked at it. So it did it's ball thing and just stayed there for about 15 minutes. Didn't help that I took the mutt back into the house and got Ellen to have a look at it. And she just wanted to sit beside it waiting for it come out, which it wouldn't do. 

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