Another Languedoc year...

By SweetApricots


Crikey, this is getting exciting! The roof struts went on the south wing today. It looks absolutely magnificent and oh-so-strong.

The roofers also did the posts for the overhanging roof from the workshop. Tomorrow they're going to repeat the process on the north wing so, having finished spraying the vines today, we are free to go to watch the process.

Once the trusses are up they will start on les panneaux sandwich. I have no idea what that is in English, but it's the insulated grey metal roof covering. Apparently, although they've installed hundreds on industrial buildings ours is the first in a private home.

The builders are beginning to look excited as they see the finished exterior coming together. They say, with a grin, you can see it from miles away as you approach down the big D909 hill! The house is rather more obvious than we'd imagined during the planning stage so I imagine we'll have to brush up our PR skills once it's finished.

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