Grey dagger moth caterpillar...

... With the 'wot izzit' (parasitic larvae? Thanks blipper gen2..) having made a bid for freedom. I suspect the little caterpillar is 'not very well'.
(Neat escapery though. The top of that 'egg' couldn't have been sliced off more neatly even with a bit of  'they saw me coming'  expensive kitchen gadgetry). 
The other similar caterpillar, on a nearby leaf of the same tree, is still sitting upon an intact 'wot izzit'. (I'm watching with interest. Not every five minutes you understand. Every two or thee hours is plenty :-/).
(Am I being boring about this? It's probably the ladybird saga all over again?).
I could have given you a butterfly; butterfly schmutterfly (!).

Monday night again?
Some wind.
(But the weather's ok. Cheap joke? Apologies. It's a week since I had my 'fall'... I'm getting twitchy to get out driving again. Maybe tomorrow?).

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