
Our final port of call was Stavanger - and another stunningly beautiful place. We had a wander around the old town first - loads of beautifully kept old wooden houses with masses of flowers
Then the most unexpected - we went on a trip called 'Tropical Flora of Norway'. We went on a small boat through the Gandsfjord and went to an island called Sor Hidle, the home of Flor and Fjaere Garden. It was amazing. Each year they plant 60000 annual plants amongst their other plants and palm trees. Obviously many of their tropical plants could not withstand their cold winters so they dig them up and take them by boat to glasshouses in Stavanger. It was the most beautiful garden I have ever seen. My extra pics are from there. Plus a very silly one of 2 JPs :)
Finally another walk through the more modern part of Stravanger. 

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