Lavender at Ascott

'A palace-like cottage, the most luxurious and lovely thing I ever saw' was how Mary Gladstone described Ascott, and I totally agree with her. G & I returned today to visit the house after our visit to the garden on 25th June.

Ascott contains one of the best small picture collections in Britain, including Dutch and Flemish paintings, and ones by Gainsborough, Reynolds and Stubbs.  My favourite was a wonderful Turner of Cicero at his Villa which immediately drew you to it when you entered the room due to its most wonderful light.

As you couldn't take photos in the house with it being a family home, I've posted this photo from the gardens of lavender, which I felt had a slight impressionist feel to it.  I also took photos of the water lilies through willow branches, which also reminded me of Monet's paintings.

A wonderful place and, if you get a chance, I'd definitely recommend a visit to Ascott which is near Wing.  One of the stewards recommended two other places for us to visit which we didn't know of - I'm sooooo enjoying retirement!!!

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