Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

In the undergrowth

I was woken up this morning at about 5am by a dog panting very loudly, it was Tiger Lily and this usually means she needs to go out in the garden, I let her out then settled down for some more sleep but was woken again twenty minutes later by Lily once again, this isn't like her.

I watched her in the garden and she must have peed a dozen times, as I had work I nipped home in my lunch to see if she was ok, ok in herself but the same thing going to the loo loads, as I lifted her up I noticed blood in her urine.

So I made an appointment with the vets for later on
I got a urine sample pot from work and managed the difficult task of getting a tiny dog to pee in a sample pot.... Thankfully I managed to get a rather bloody sample, which was tested, she has a lot of protein in it which isn't great and she has a UTI so we now have a course of antibiotics and pain killers for five days to see if is this and if it isn't it points at other more sinister things.

Fingers crossed for this beautiful girl.....

Roo took to hunting in the grass on his walkies.

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