Oily Boab...

A day better forgotten today. Started off Ok by baling more silage down the road. Had to put the John Deere on the first couple of loads,as the pick up ram spewing oil on the wee McCormick. Baled enough to keep the wrapper busy this afternoon. Collected the repaired Jeep,went to the bank,grabbed a sandwich from the co-op,then away to Carnwath to get the ram repaired. (or not as it turned out) They will need to send it off to someone who repairs hydraulics.While there,got another phone call to say other loader tractor was conked out along the main road.So a quick 30 mile return trip home then spent next hour under a tractor cobbling together fuses and wires while traffic flew past my backside. Eventually got the last lot of bales home and wrapped by 9pm. Oh,and the farm we take straw from has been cutting winter barley,so will need to try and get that baled and home tomorrow before the natives set it on fire.
Mrs Farmerboab not best pleased by oily finger marks on the towel after trying to clean  my hands with swarfega. Ho Hum.

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