
By HaxSyn

My Beer

I got a card from the postman a couple days ago, saying he tried to deliver a parcel but could not so it had gone back to the parcel office. I wasn't expecting anything and had no idea what it could be, so today I set off to the parcel office to retrieve it. The parcel office is a bit of a hassle to get to, being near Portobello and there not being any direct buses, I thought I'd pick the parcel up and then pop down to the beach. It turned out the parcel was fairly large and heavy, so I headed straight back home to drop it off.

On opening the box I found it contained 6 x 500ml bottles of beer! And not just any beer, it was labelled "John's Beer". It's a rather tasty English amber bitter with a strong malty base but still quite a strong hoppy flavour. And where did this miraculous elixir come from? Included in the box was a birthday card (which I forgot to include in the photo :-/) from my sister (and family). It was my birthday last Sunday. The card had a picture of Yoda on it with the words "When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not John", actually looking in the mirror I'm pretty sure I don't look as good as Yoda now, at the age of __!

After dropping the box off back at my flat I hopped on the bus into town, as it was such a lovely hot, sunny day to take some photos of the first official day of The Fringe, only to discover I'd left my camera at home! (Doh!) But I did take a couple snaps with my phone...


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