The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Tears and tantrums ..


I am more sure than ever that I am going to have to get mum into full time residential care.

She won't eat. She won't drink. No advice needed thanks - I am up to here with well meaning advice, but there is no logic to be applied. Mum is revolted by food with texture, but would eat 'certain' things. Until last week.

Now, if I can get her to try anything, she will almost immediately spit it out.

I got quite hysterical about it today and had to get out of the house before I did something.

I went to my usual area and heard the turtle dove in a spot I've seen him once before - although I've often heard him and not managed to see him, but today I saw him, perched on his pole.

I have just tried her with ice cream. She took the waste bin in one hand and had to be stopped from transferring the ice cream from bowl to bin.

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