
By FrankS

Wolverhampton University

Today we travelled to Wolverhampton, by car although I think I would have rather gone by train, as the university were having another open day and Tom wanted to see the accommodation we didn't see last time.

We all piled into the tour bus which then took a good fifteen minutes or so to get to the blocks. Once there we were told that to walk from the campus to the accommodation took about four minutes. Once there the heavens opened and the rain was of monsoon proportions (though Emma, being the experienced world traveller, said we didn't know what a monsoon was in this country, anyway we all became very wet very quickly having foolishly left our coats in the car).

The rooms were all very clean and tidy, the reason being that the students have broken up for the summer and nobody was currently living there. Tom said he'd take an en-suite.

The photo is the IT suite on the city campus. It is quite impressive, one floor being taken up with Windows PCs the next floor up being the Apple Mac floor. All available for student use, this on top of the fact the all the accommodation has LAN connections and are covered by WIFI.

For those of you waiting for news of my phone upgrade, this won't happen until Sunday at the earliest as we pounding the motorway again tomorrow, up to Hull to visit my mother.

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