
By FrankS

South Cave

We spent a lot of today driving up and down the motorway as we visited my mother. She is in a care home in South Cave, a village a few miles outside of Hull.

With the outset of Alzheimer's her short term memory is almost completely shot, she had forgotten Ann and Emma had visited with me five minutes after they had said goodbye. Her long term memory seems a little better and we spent some time looking at old photographs of the family, showing her and her sisters as young girls plus other relations, including photos taken during the war such as her wedding pictures. With these she was able to recognise and name people and reminisce about the times, rationing, holidays etc.

It makes me sad to leave her, but as Ann says, it is PIMs that count, Pleasure In The Moment.

We met my sister and her husband for lunch at a nearby farm shop/restaurant and had a pleasant meal and chat. Unfortunately I foolishly forgot to bring my camera up north, so had to make do with some phone shots, by no means perfect, but good enough for today's blip.

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