Still a fair bit to go

This is downstairs in the clede. The pretty things hanging down are sadly not the remnants of Christmas decorations. you should be able to make out the roots of some random tree sticking out of the floor.
Concern had been expressed by the engineer about one of the (in fact the biggest) beams in the roof and how sound it was. Comments such as "I can push my finger through it"  and "I can see light through it" etc were not too encouraging. To pacify aforementioned engineer, we called in Guy, our builder, who climbed up to it, prodded it, hit it and pronounced it solid. There is such a local pride here in the chestnut wood that I suspect it would have to be completely broken before any deficiencies in its strength might be admitted.
A courgette pizza before heading off the Sablieres market and then a drink at the local bar with some English friends before round two in today's courgette war - double fried courgette chips and stewed courgette. Unfortunately we are still not winning.

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