
By MamaOfBoys

Muddy puddles

After the down pour throughout the night a jump in muddy puddles is a must with little boys.

We all left the house in jackets and gumboots. I knew where there would be good puddles, that's important knowledge as a mum of little guys. Where the best muddiest, splashiest puddles are and will always be after rain.

After running back and forth, jumping and splashing for 20 minutes their hearts were racing and tiny faces red from cold with lovely runny noses to add. Their lower half was wet and muddy so trip out accomplished. 

Many tears flowed and foot stomps were all around as we said 'hey lets go home and get warm'.

What kind of nonsense were we talking sheesh. Parents always ruin the fun. Pneumonia ? we made that up, that's not a real thing, we just say it to get them to think they'll get sick if they stay in the wet and cold..

Andre and i dragged them home anyway, he showered the mud off them which even managed to get in their hair while i went and bought fruit toast. 

Once dry, clothed and fed we got out train track, duplo , lego. All of it and built this and that until the floor became a pool of dangerous bits of plastic everywhere. Kanye the poor thing tried to walk and the look on his face as he stepped on one piece of lego after the other trying to get to the fridge for a drink was priceless. Kind of 'this really hurts and its not ending but i need a drink'

Clean up is impossible and its funny how suddenly their toys aren't so interesting anymore once you need to clean them up. They somehow manage to be doing something else or distracted by other things. As Marley put it 'i'm sorry mum i cant help you clean up i'm watching tv'

Harper tried to help , he was oh so good at emptying what i had just put away so he could play with it. I waited until he got bored and rushed around throwing things in their containers. 

Dinnertime was interesting. Had roast chicken with apricot stuffing. Marley proclaimed loudly when he asked what we were having that 

'Chickens are not food, chickens are animals' 
All said while hands were on hips and a very serious face.

 'Ok Mar you don't have to eat chicken that's ok'

'I DO WANT TO EAT CHICKEN!!!' He replied.

'Ok Mar you can have some chicken' I give up. 

One moment i was proud that he had said what he felt in his heart, that he was telling me what he thought, that he was standing up for his beliefs that animals arent food.  
I thought wow he really cares and he knows where it all comes from, he's really passionate about this.
 The next, those feelings are gone as i cut chicken into yoda and darth vader like shapes because that's the best way to eat meat says child who a moment ago was against eating said food.

Harper thought dinner was great, Kanye ate some so that's 2 out of 3.

Ha Saturday, its been wild for the parenting team. Thank goodness for my new and super coffee machine!!!

My old one died, she just gave up. She would even turn on, she kept shorting out the fuses in the house. Being frustrated with no coffee, i took said frustration out on husband asking him to remedy this in some way. He mentioned it to my in laws about getting a second hand one then as i was cleaning lego yesterday afternoon- sifting the lego from the raisins and trail mix, my father in law turns up with a brand new machine, expensive and oh my gosh so fancy and pretty.

I was overwhelmed at such kindness and caring from them, i was and still am so incredibly grateful. I would never have asked for such an amazing machine. And truly is an amazing machine, ive read the manual so many times and made numerous coffees, figuring it all out. 

The quality of coffee is like cafe style coffee, with crema and a gauge that tells you when you have under or over extracted it, its programmable, comes with a cleaning kit to keep the whole machine working perfectly.

I am in awe of such beauty that gives me such sanity. If i could i would drink more coffee than i need to just to use it.

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