A Lone Robin...
..Today is one of those quiet Sundays (like Sundays used to be).. I'm wondering whether I've actually stepped back in time by accident.
There's no noise.. The air is still, apart from the odd buzz of a bee.
I almost feel as though if I ventured out (which I have no intention of doing, by the way) I should probably find the shops closed, as they used to be on Sundays.
(Apart from the one ice cream shop in the area, of course, which had a queue every Sunday afternoon, because people had come from Far and Wide, probably even other counties, to partake of ice cream and devon violet cachous).
Behind closed doors, I imagine that folk are either watching the Sunday afternoon film ('Random Harvest' probably) or polishing their shoes for Monday morning.
(Sundays were overly riveting in my home, clearly).
The Lone Robin was watching from a nearby tree.
He seemed to be saying,
'make mine a neopolitan wafer please, but not chocolate, stawberry and vanilla. I prefer vanilla, strawberry and almond'.
Green, pink and white! My choice too!
I'm off to wait for 'Sing Something Simple' on the radio.
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