A rose among thorns

It's so quiet here that we can hear the hummingbird wings through the open slider doors to the outside deck. We're treated daily to sweet notes from song sparrows, the raucous cries of gulls, the terns and ebony crows. The wind rustling the leaves where they sit carries their voices, their news, here and across the river. The loons lull us at night with stars so clear and bright we are transfixed. The worldly rumbling of outboard motors steered by clammers heading to the flats timed by the rise and fall of the tide becomes our background music.  The occasional trucks lumbering up Trafton's Hill or swishing down, laden with fresh lobsters, our only sounds, melding with those of our snoring cat.

For the Record,
This day came in overcast with a weak sun and lovely breezes. Another  keeper in a line of lovely days.

All hands healthy.

Extra photo, the nightly wonder as the sun sets over the machos river and Bay

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