Cute face
So, this morning I got into my car, only to find it had stuff all over the driver's seat. I asked Mr B what he'd been up to and he assured me that he hadn't done it. On further investigation, we discovered that the same had happened to all three of our vehicles.
We ascertained that they had all been left unlocked (12 years of living on a farm and not locking anything is taking my lovely hubby a while to get over!). We've been lucky this time; they were only after loose change. They scored a whopping 25 cents from my car (they left the GPS and Leatherman) and about $40 all up from Mr B's cars (they left the camera and binoculars; oh and all of his work tools). We figured it was just opportunistic kids. We were lucky.
Tonight, Mr Barking has checked and double checked all the cars and made sure they are all secure.
On the upside, I discovered this cute little face in the back of my car when I was checking it over this morning. I've never seen it from this angle before!
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