at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Almost ivy II

Check out this for a family resemblance:

Briar didn't repeat her sleeping through the night trick, far from it, and Ivy woke up at 5am so I'm pretty tired today. Not as tired as ivy after a weekend of late night s, early mornings and short naps. She was ' challenging' this morning, howling when nurses wouldn't pick her up. So Euan took her home quickly after lunch.

Willow got to try a bottle today after consolation with the infant feeding advisor, who is I suppose my boss when I'm doing breastfeeding Peer supporting. So she gave us the preemie version of a medela calma bottle to try and fitted me for nipple shields in case willow gets nipple confusion. Willow didn't do very well with a bottle, but did make some attempts at breastfeeding today- so I may yet be right about her being a boob not a bottle baby. Static weight again today. Our 'no cows milk' trial is over so I had a delicious milky mocha and willows now on cow and gate.

Briars just getting chunkier and chunkier- she's starting to get ankle bracelets of baby fat. Hoping willow starts catching up soon- dreading having them in different sizes of clothing. Briar discovered she could splash in the bath tonight and practically emptied her tummy tub

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