A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Action Man

Action morning all round, which is quite extraordinary given the lateness of the hour of sleeping.  I blame (thank?!) the dog who, like a toddler, gets us out of bed earlier than our natural body clocks would choose.  But she is smart about the time that a walk is a good idea.  And to be fair to her after a small amount of activity and food she is usually happy to go back to bed for a catch up nap. 

A quick market trip for a number of us to stock up on vegetables, meat and fish. And to catch the local marching / drumming band on their practice march around the market which was entertaining. 

Then home for a quick turnaround to get the bigger kids to the beach for a windsurfing lesson.  The littlest child had already planned not to have a lesson but it turns out couldn't come to the beach either as he had to retire with a poorly tummy.  The windsurfing conditions were not ideal for beginners due to both strong winds and lots of waves so Anna didn't last very long out there but the two boys did a fabulous job and both spent a lot of time upright and there was even turning involved.  A lot of effort was expended in pulling both themselves and the sails up out of the water and it was fabulous to see sporty action boy being sporty action boy. 

Headed back to the casa for lunch and lounging and serious rehydrating and now it is time for the evening pool session.  I'm thinking of getting one of those timetable board things you have in holiday hotels. 

I should possibly have waited until later to blip as, rather excitingly, our friends bought us a telescope and tonight is the start of the Perseids meteor showers but given how long it has taken me to catch up on three days of missed blips I thought I should strike while the keyboard is hot.  Will report on the shower spotting tomorrow. 

Lesley x

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