A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

And Relax

We have different ways of relaxing from the kids....they think that being scared out of their wits playing the new Five Nights at Freddy's games is what makes a holiday great.  We find listening to their screams oddly amusing, though possibly not that relaxing.  Young people, eh?

Back-blipping again due to distracting activities which if I can recall correctly from a whole day ago included: lunch at Sabina's, lots of games in the pool, some table tennis, hanging around on the roof and some night swimming.  A delicious pork frenzy of a BBQ and then a late night attempt at career counselling for one of our friends.  If I'm brutally honest, and in the cold light of day, I'm not actually sure how much use we were but I think we would get top marks for effort. And we were certainly willing to put the hours in. 

Lesley x

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