Times Of My Life

By CarolB

The Dying of the Light

In the office on my own again today, and G is working up north and staying away overnight.  I finished work early, but instead of coming home I footered about booking airport parking, and selecting our seats on the flights for our holiday in September. 

When I did get home it was not only dry, but also sunny.  I didn't even bother to change out of work clothes, just got the lead on Rocky, and off we went for a lovely stroll right round the village and up the Highland Road, and home. 

It's about a couple of miles, and we just sauntered.  There were kids scootering along the pavements, and people out walking with or without dogs; the park was full of youngsters and there was football coaching going on.

We took our time, chatted to lots of people, and it was generally lovely.  And of course I had not taken my camera with me.  Still, I had the phone in my pocket so I could have a chat to G while I walked (he's stuck in a hotel with the most boring man in Britain he tells me!), so snapped this shot of the sun throwing out its last rays of the day as it sunk behind East Busby farm. 

God, remember it was like this every night last summer?

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