Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Itsy Bitsy spider

The Gypsy dog was raising some ruckus at the little patch of woods just past the front yard,  barking, growling deep in her throat and her hair was standing up on her back.   I figured it was a critter..a raccoon or maybe a fox..she usually doesn't bark at the deer,  just wants to chase them.  So I grabbed a trusty stick (why?) and walked to where she was..the neighbor's cat zoomed out of the woods when I got close and of course, the dog had to chase her back to her own yard (which she knows  she is not allowed to visit ).  She did come right back home like she had saved the world. 

While I was waiting for her, I noticed this spider and its beautiful web.  So I thanked the dog for making me walk out a little further in an area that I don't normally walk in my yard where I found today's blip photo.
The sunlight was not really in the right place to get a good shot of the spider and the wind was blowing just enough to move the web.  

I do love the beauty of spider webs. 

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