
By MamaOfBoys

Meeting no#2

This one was for Kanye , it was his IEP. 

We held it at his school base and its close to me so i was able to walk there.

Was good, they're keeping a lot of the current goals the same but adding in some extra support around his aggressiveness at times and how best to deal with it at school and at home. 

We're being re referred to an external behavior specialist and an occupational therapist for support(same referral for mar too along with 2 extra therapy people for him,) for us just extra info and strategies for helping Kanye and his needs.

The little giraffe is one of the many that used to dot the city, its cool that his school have one its so cute!

Feeling rather exhausted i think more from decision fatigue more than anything when i got back (they ask a lot of questions in which you have to think about situations where that one thing may have happened- how he reacted, what i did, how he responded, what worked etc) i had to have another coffee, i'm attempting to be fancy in my designs, it puts a smile on my face!. 

Harper has been really good with all these boring events going on, right before i had to leave for the meeting he got my pots and pans out and started his drumming.

Feeling super tired tonight. Hard to keep up with everything sometimes , feeling like i either need another me or more hours in the day or a personal assistant.

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