
By MamaOfBoys


We had a lovely family dinner tonight at my mama and papa in laws for my sister in law and my bro in law who are leaving the land of the long white cloud first thing tomorrow and heading to the Americas, north at first then south.

 They'll be back for our summer in November. So quite a wee while before we will see them again.

This shot is from the staircase of my in laws new house. The stairs go down and around in sort of a 'u' shape. During the day this window looks out towards the back garden where there are fruit tress, a fern garden in process and stream the goes through the middle. 

I love the light here- from the hanging light that reminds me of a candy cane and the candles. The pictures on the wall are of all the grand babies- my boys and my nephews. To the left of this shot just out of view is a large charlie chaplin picture which i couldn't get in.

My in laws made roast chicken on the new bbq along with roast veges and salad. My sis in law made sushi and soba noodle type rolls that my boys scoffed down.

I wish i had got a shot of the kitchen/dining. Its really cool and with all of us there eating with the fire going really looks like a family home- littlies everywhere, food platters, laughter, cups of tea and talking.

We had ice cream and fruit salad for dessert with crushed gingernuts. Yum.

It was great to have a catch up before my sis in law left. We all had a great time as we always do as family when we have dinner or even lunch together.

My boys wanted to go home around 8 , so we said our goodbyes and wished my sis and bro  in law safe travels.

Earlier today the boys went to my mums for a few hours, was nice to have a break even though i spent a decent portion of it in the rain cleaning the rabbit and guinea pigs hutches, i had to move them into the garage as the downpour had started to flood the garden and was edging closer to them. I relocated them to the garage so they're dry and warm in there.

We had Debbi come by, we chatted for ages,w as great to catch up and have coffee(my 3rd for the day). Kanye usually sits next to her but stayed at the table chatting from a distance. I made banana loaf but my boys seemed to find it and gobble it down before we got a chance to have some.

Though its been a rainy day we've been busy and enjoyed it all.

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