Country File

By marypot


Oh my! Our friends Laura and Luke from Essex arrived today for a short stay in the village and they brought gifts including these brownies from my very favourite London bakery chain! We've had a really lovely time catching up together, first over a Mexican lunch at Little Mexico in town and later back at our house. Laura and I also spent an hour or so chilling in the village beauty parlour (another voucher I had won!). Bliss! Dinner was a curry from town - yep I found out yesterday that I'd won a voucher via a Facebook share which covered most of ours. Late tonight, I joined L and L at the pub they're staying at in the village, then we drove up onto the fell top to get a good view of the Perseid meteor shower in the dark skies up there. Wrapped in blankets and lying on the car bonnet, we saw a fair few of the meteors! It was a very memorable day.

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