Oh I have got blue wheels

Usual morning walk with juno and the regulars, it was wet.

Eco mum and I both off started tidying the house and sorting things in the house. We headed out on a couple of errands and got a fine recommendation for a lunch spot.

We got some labels to sort out the jam collection for sale for the football team funds, 304 jars ready for the fund raising.

Eco mum and I headed up the hill for a late evening stroll in the pishing rain with Juno. On the way up the hill we met a cyclist on the wrong side of the road , he almost visited the car through the windscreen and then met loads of fixed and single hubbers heading up the steep road.

It appeared to be a bike race of some sort as they did a wee loop and headed back down the hill anfter getting a sticker and jaffa cake.

After getting drenched I chatted to Ali and face the last two survivors on the hill. It was part of the European Cycle messenger Championships and they were manning the checkpoint. Lots of events in Edinburgh for bike fans. Thanks lads for the chat.


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