Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Honest no Glue

There has been some discussion on the use of the term "emergency blip". of course it's not really an emergency if its close to midnight and you haven't taken a photograph that day.
Panic stricken blip is another exaggeration (hopefully) as is sheer desperation, although I have come close to the latter several times!

I didn't even take my camera to work today - I knew the weather was to be atrocious (another exaggeration) and that I would be too stressed busy to think about blipping. When it got to to seven p.m. I called it a day and decided to go into work on Saturday.
I stopped off to get cat biscuits (for the cats) and curry for myself. As soon as I got home it was on with the jammies and out with the corkscrew. Doh, no blip for the day, the rain had stopped but wasn't keen for the neighbours to see me in my jammies at nine p.m.
So my little stack on stones that sits on the kitchen window sill and had been left standing for a change is my blip for Friday night.

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