A Lily In Waiting

I purchased a new zoom lens a few days ago ... and since then, the weather has been rubbish ... So I decided to set up the tripod inside the conservatory and point the camera out the door at the bird feeder in the garden to test it out ... There are always dozens of birds feeding so I should be able to get lots of 'experimental' shots ...
Having set everything up, I waited ...
And I waited ...
And waited ...
And waited ...
Then I decided to have a cup of coffee ...
And then I waited some more ...
I turned my back for about 2 seconds ... and a single sparrow dived in ... grabbed a seed or two and flew off again ...
I missed that opportunity, but at least I knew that there were some birds still alive out there ...
So I began to wait again ...
And wait ...
And wait ...
Then I adjusted the tripod and took a picture of this lily instead ... :o)

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