
By RobinBanneville

"Snowball" the Chicken

Why did the chicken cross the field..?
Whether this chicken is actually called "Snowball" or not, I've no idea ... but if she isn't called Snowball, then she jolly well should be ...
That's all I can say about that ...
I did have yet another sunrise (shower) picture to post today, but I decided to have a change ...
To be fair, it was a cracking sunrise this morning ... but I decided to keep it all to myself ... just like I'm going to keep the answer to the riddle; "Why did the chicken cross the field..?", all to myself.
Okay ... okay ... You win ... The real reason I'm going to keep the answer to the riddle; "Why did the chicken cross the field..?", all to myself, is because I haven't got a clue ... (It was probably because she saw some nutter with a camera looking over hedge at her and didn't fancy the idea of being "blipped") ... :o)

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