A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Bright and breezy

Interestingly I'm not sure this image is that representative of our beach trip as everyone looks considerably neater than by the end but I like how bright it is.  They did give the boards a good go but it was actually too wavy for them to be more than hard work and get in the way of some excellent wave jumping, diving, swimming and generally being buffeted around a lot.  I didn't go in anywhere near as much as some of our party and I felt like I had enjoyed some sort of exfoliating spa treatment.  A highly exhilarating expedition and the moment when both of my kids and Carlos were in the water, looking strong and happy and having a fabulous time I could have wept with joy.  

So the slight crash the boy child had afterwards, possibly in part to overswallowing of sea water, didn't seem to matter too much in the scheme of things. Carlos gallantly ferried him home for a bowl of restorative pasta and a lie down whilst we gallantly worked our way through an enormous paella.  Allegedly it was for four of us but five gave it a good go and only stopped when we got a message that Carlos would be back in time to help out with the rest.  

Home for late siestas whilst we think about taking on the challenge of Thrice Cooked Ribs night.  Though the winds that are giving us the amazing waves may make barbecuing a little challenging I fear.  And then hopefully some more Eleusis Express - rules here for those expressing an interest / visiting us next week. 

Lesley x

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