The Jacobite

A fairly dull and overcast day and much cooler after yesterday.  A few showers but been mostly dry :)

An early start and left Ullapool at 8.30am.  The long 5 hour drive to Arisaig was broken up with a pit stop at Loch Lochy for a cuppa and a bacon roll.  After the caravan was setup again, we headed into Mallaig to check ferry times and a walk about the town and had tea in The Tea Garden, mmmm yummy fish and chips :)
The colder and damp evening has put a stop to exploring for now but might try a walk to see some deer.  I did see one deer dead on the road coming here, poor thing and also my first ever badger, he was squashed on the road too. 

As I was leaving Mallaig, The Jacobite was arriving.  My first shots weren't good, so I decided to check online when she was leaving again.  I was planning to snap this bridge anyway but with a steam train going over was a great bonus :)  I've never seen a steam train running before and we don't have any trains back home in Shetland, so this was a must :)  Taken at the bridge over river Morar, near Loch Morar. 

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