at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Down dog no hands

I'm home! Back to my big girl again. Willows got to go back in on Monday to see her Dietician but if her weights good she might get to stay out.

Most of the day was spent sitting about with Euan waiting for stuff to be organised to go home. Ivy didn't come to Inverness as she got to go play with Finley & nuala instead.

We gave a lift to ullapool to the sister of someone who lives here. Don't know them, but paying into the universal karma pot. I did panic though when I saw her smoking, since Im (quite reasonably so in my opinion) a bit paranoid about willows lung - people with smoke on their clothes can't hold her for example, so I gave up my front seat to her and squeezed between briar and willow.

Willow hasn't taken to the infitrini she's been sent Home on (she clearly didn't get my hints about saving us time and money) so we're going to switch her back to cow & gate.

I went to collect ivy from lisa, ivy was too busy playing in the garden to be super excited to see me. She wanted to go see daddy though * mutter mutter*. She brought the fork lift truck shed been playing with and drove it up the street.

We had a Chinese takeaway for Dinner and although their was some girning, there was a good spell of all three girls sitting happily at the table. I did ivys bathtime (at her request), she told me she wanted to go in 'tummy tub!' which she can now climb out of herself. We tidied up her room together before bed- it was a disaster zone, she's actually very good at tidying and putting things back on shelf when you let her.

Blip quality might improve soon. I finally got a new phone (this one has been dying since May) a galaxy s4, which has a pretty snazzy camera, so I can blip on the go. Had to make a boring grown up decision though, id got a wireless charging back for it- but it's heavy duty ptotective case didn't fit on past the charging back. So no space age wireless charging for me- but a pretty protected phone.

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