at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Murder scene

Only one of the people in this photo had been eating strawberries, and it wasn't Euan....

Last night didn't go well with Ivy at all. She woke up 4 times before midnight, we tried everything including putting her in a cot in our room, boobing her, cuddling her, singing to her and nothing worked. at 1am I sent Euan downstairs (so at least one of us could get some sleep) and took Ivy to bed with me. She was little spoon.

This morning, she handed me an empty bannana skn and said 'done'- to show there was no bannana in it (the bannana that had previously been in the wrapper was in her hand at this point)

She was a bit grumpy before lunch, so I let her help unload the washing machine for hanging up. She struggled abit with it being sheets and towels rather than clothes- so not as easy to pull out as usual.

After lunch she and I went for a walk to run some errands- we picked up a loopalu ticket for Becky and a nice jumper to butcher for buttons and fabric in the charity shop. We also picked up some strawberries sold beside an honesty tube (the box is at the bottom). Tried to stop by Euan who was in school to show Ivy where he was, but he wasn't in his classroom when we got there- so we left him some strawberries and went down to the allotment.

First time we've gone over the bridge since it looked like this all of the grass (and some of the trees) are lying totally flat to the ground- and the river was less than a meter below the bridge and roaring along.

When we got back, I went to hang up the washing and spied a primary school aged child howling beside the climbing frame beside our house. When I went over he told me he was pretty sure he'd broken his back. I was pretty sure he hadn't, but since I thought he'd fallen from the climbing frame I thought I should probably better do something for him. Got Euan to give him a lift home- he went from being 'unable to breathe it's so sore' to trying to climb back up the frame to rescue a caramel wafer he didn't want to leave behind. I managed not to laugh (just). I'd hope that if Ivy hurt herself, someone would bring her back to me.

Ivy decided that having been apart from Euan for at least half an hour when he was in school, she would absoloutly have to cover him in affection (and strawberry juice).

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