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Edinburgh Day 4

Today Jenny took the car over. We thought the cost of left luggage and 2 train tickets would be more than parking but that was £3.50 an hour, 3 hours max. However, it was enough to cover our 2 book festival events.

The first was Zoe Williams, the Guardian columnist who has a new book out, in conversation with Ruth Wishart, who writes for some of the Scottish papers. They are both very sparky, funny, clever women so it was a most enjoyable hour. Illuminating and inspiring on Zoe's political thoughts - she has rejoined the Labour Party and will vote for Corbyn, thinks he will be elected leader but that there will be a change in 3 years when she thinks the new leader will be the female MP for Wigan, unless there is a coup before that.

Our second speaker was the novelist Marilynn Robinson. She is highly academic and read an essay, entitled "The Restless Reader" which I found hard to follow. I'm not a fan of speakers who read aloud for long stretches, but I enjoyed the question and answer session at the end better.

We've had a great time - I think it will be an early night tonight!

This was taken as the train went back South over Berwick Bridge. My grandfather retired to Spittal, the seaside town south of Berwick and Tweedmouth, so I had happy holidays there as a child.

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