
We thought we'd miss the chance to crop our peas, courgettes and blackcurrants, as things were so late this year. However the weather has been so poor whilecwe were away that we've spent the day picking peas and blackcurrants. As you see from the blip of the peas, our garden is on very steep terraces - the roof of the house is below. Mr C carried 160 bags of horse muck up there this year.

It was so hot I had a break and went up on the moor to see if the heather was out. I was assaulted by the honey scent when I got there, but even the Heather is late and isn't really at its best yet for a blip.

I relaxed later by loading my photos onto my iMac in preparation for making a Normandy book. Then I made a card for the golden wedding celebrations of our Brexiteer friends. We are going to the party in the golf club on Saturday.

I might have to back blip tomorrow's photo as I hope to get one at the Sigur Ros concert. They are an Icelandic band, a bit of an acquired taste, but very well-followed worldwide so we were lucky to get tickets - they sold out the day they came on sale.

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