The ship of the desert...

From coos to camels today. First job was to bring a cow with a set of twins home as neither had sucked,and she only has 3 teats that work. Brought another cow in that calved last night who looked to have a big bag on her. Thought I could milk some out of her to feed a twin. That would have been too simple. Both her front teats are blind,and have had to give her a bottle of calcium under the skin tonight as she looks like she is taking milk fever .
Nipped away to Peebles show at lunch time. Offered to take the family,but no takers so it was just me and the collie! Quite a lot of folk there despite the muddy conditions. Lots of different livestock too. Poultry ,Rabbits, Alpacas and Camels all there as well as plenty of sheep ,cattle,horses and donkeys. Came home via Innerleithen and as always it amazes me how you could be in the Highlands by the scenery, just a few miles away from our side of the hill.
Checked the cattle down the road and looked the straw,which is soaking after the rain yesterday.Will take days to dry now.

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