The Only Norseman in the Village

First things first, so instead of heading directly to find myself a Norseman in this village, His Lordship and I paid a pilgrimage to Barrioboy's first house purchase in Kirkwall during the time he was wearing his first career hat as a solicitor. And very nice it was too, on the high road to Finstown and Stromness, a converted barn with the poetic name of Soulisquoy Cottage.

Then it was a recce of the long stay parking at the Hatston ferry terminal where we hope to leave the car tomorrow morning just in case it breaks down en route from our accommodation and we have to get the insurance people involved in getting it on to the ferry at midnight.

There had been heavy overnight rain but the weather was back on track with blue skies. We cycled to Finstown, looking its best with the sunlight coruscating like jewels on the blue water of the Bay of Firth and the seaweed on the shore a beautiful yellow ochre. Then it was on to Norseman Village with not a Viking in sight, only His Lordship striking a pose, a lone car, and a rather stately archway of trees guarding the entrance.

Back to sit in the sun and make the most of this summer weather.

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