Big Sky Blip

Today has been good and full...we got the bus to Sta Eularia so we could then get the boat home...the sea was choppy, but it was great fun! Then Church later which was wonderful and full....and then at 11 I went to a gallery launch to take some photos for the Paper! Free Mezcal cocktails, nibbles, DJ and art (see extra)...but somehow it all lacked should have been amazing, but somehow, it wasn't! Anyway, nice to have an evening with Claire, and I'm home earlier than expected which is nice!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha doing an AMAZING job tidying her bedroom. I was seriously impressed with her skills!
2) Time on the sea with Danny & Asha. Nice to be just the 3 of us, doing something we all enjoy.
3) Church tonight. Abby spoke and was utterly met some lovely new people.

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