Whiter Than Milk

This little monster spent 4 hours at the hospital on Saturday having tests done.
Gastroenteritis .............. that is her problem apparently (well, one of them).
This was her brushing her hair after a bath this morning.
The police have been notified about the theft of all her colour.

After walking PD round from our house to Bags' SWMBO once again hit the horizontal position and remained that way all day - no food and almost no fluids.
She may well find herself lying on the surgery doorstep in the morning to see the first doctor to arrive!

The monsters insisted on going to the playpark this morning. We took PD and had the place to ourselves for the hour we were there.
Very strange considering what a lovely day it has been.
Before we left a couple of council wallas turned up to paint the lines on the football pitch.
Gone are the days of following the old lines or in extreme cases using a measuring wheel and string - oh no! ..... nowadays you need to be a trained surveyor to set up the laser guided machinery  and paint carts. And of course it takes 2 men (in Hi-Viz jackets of course ...... on an empty playing field) 3 times as long as it used to take 1 man.
That's progress!

In the afternoon I took the squabbling horrors down to South Queensferry so that they stopped disturbing SWMBO and their mother - and so I could take a picture for the camera club's scavenger hunt (icon being the subject).
Of course it turned into a case of anything you can do --  I can do better when it came to stone throwing into the sea.
I liked the way the 3 towers lined up from the beach so snapped them while the stone throwing competition continued.
Three things were learnt on this trip .......
1) The Cygnet learnt how to throw properly (it was getting dangerous with his wayward throws going up to 90 degrees from the direction intended .... left, right or straight down!)
2) Squirrel learnt that having your bum cleaned with a large maple leaf may be effective but not the best experience in life
3) I learnt never to make the schoolboy error of forgetting to pick up the child cleaning equipment from the boot of the car again!

This evening I went and visited Chicken Lady and did a couple of odd jobs for her since she is unable to do much for herself after breaking her ankle (and twisting the other one) getting out of the helicopter whilst attending a call in her duty as paramedic in the air ambulance.
And Yes - she has heard them all about 'waiting until it lands before getting out' and 'now being grounded' etc., etc., etc..

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