Cutting the Astro-turf?

Actually he was 'cleaning' it......... or as I would call it "bringing the muck to the surface". It looked disgusting after he had gone over it.

The kids had a long lie this morning (could they not have got into that routine at the start of the holidays?).
Great! - no sleepy, narky monsters.
What a total horror Squirrel was.
The sooner she gets back to nursery the better.

We have the lunatic dog back with us.
His owners are back to work now. They had been looking after one of his grandkids while her twin brother was in hospital. He had been taken into hospital in Fife by his parents when his temperature rocketed in just a few minutes. He went downhill rapidly and was rushed to the Sick Kids in Edinburgh. There were doubts he would actually make it to Edinburgh he was so bad.
30 minutes from running about fine to being on deaths door - Menangitis.
No rash other than what looked like a birthmark or friction burn on his foot - just temperature and sickness.
Full marks to the staff at the hospital for spotting it so quickly and acting correctly.
He was going to be in hospital for weeks but is home already! Not 100% but .................
Obviously has the constitution of an ox and the fighting spirit his grandmother had.

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