
By briocarioca

Another crummy photo

Ignored the bike trials for the Olympics, going on just down the road, and the demonstrations demanding impeachment of our President, an end to corruption and so on, and managed to do a little work this morning. Not much, though, and it was soon time to doll myself up to visit HH. I rather doubt if he noticed much, as he was sleeping most of the time. However, he did wake up towards the end of the visit, when our daughter's mother-in-law came to see him. She's not really the flavour of the month, but he gave her a big smile and she was actually very sweet.

I had asked an old friend who is recovering from a broken femur if she'd like to go to a concert at lunch time (a string trio, part of the 21st Rio International Cello Encounter), but when she decided she didn't feel up to it, I reluctantly gave it a miss and decided just to go to a choral concert given in the Anglican church this evening by two choirs, one from Rio and the other from São Paulo. It was wonderful - a very high standard of singing - Mozart's Missa Brevis in B K 275, Haydn's Missa Brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo and Fauré's Requiem.

The Rio choir started life as the Musical Comedy Society, when its founder decided to put on some Gilbert & Sullivan. After we'd done HMS Pinafore, Pirates of Penzance, The Gondoliers, Iolanthe and Trial by Jury (I've probably forgotten something), it underwent something of a sea change and became the Choral Music Society, taking itself much more seriously. At that point we bailed, but the concerts are well worth going to.

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