
All toes are ready for their holiday....bring on the sun and heat!!! :)

Busy day. Picked up a couple things in town this morning, went to school this afternoon. Rachel came in too and we sorted two more display boards and placed the tables. Rachel had to leave then and I should have too but I wasn't happy. The place was still too much of a mess with still too much to do. So I stayed a bit longer and sorted the roll play and reading corner. And found a couple places to hide some junk!! Then I felt as if I could get there so left on a positive.
Painted toes early evening, cut grass mid evening, sorted bits of dining room, bed room and washing late evening and fought with the intermittent internet connection to sort some stuff out late night!!
Bed. :).

I think it will need to be an early start tomorrow to try and fit it all in! :/

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