Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Do that!

Well, you just have to some times......don't you?

Sacrifice doing things that you know you should get done for the things that really need doing.

Today I spent much of my day with my wonderful Wife and my equally special Nieces. I have a million and one things that I should have gotten done today....but a day spent carrying pretty dresses and handbags and bangles and floral this and that was too much to miss. Standing outside changing rooms 'OOOOhing and AaaaHHing' with fluffy handbags at my feet, getting looks from gay couples as they walked by, amusement written all over their faces, tattooed rough looking chap getting the full girlie treatment!

We had lunch and talked about their Gymnastics and then went shopping at full tilt, hitting the craft market and then the main arcade.

The love that I bare for these girls is as if they were my own. My Brother in-law and his most excellent Wife have done a fantastic job on all the kids and I am proud to be their Uncle.

The lists that are now floating around in my head will take some sorting, I must get all my mountaineering kit cleaned and prepped ready for my get all the other stuff out and in the base camp bag and weigh it!

Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day....Gym...kit....Pack....print out all the dossier info for my lovely Lady and find time for a little ME time in all that as well!


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