
By MamaOfBoys

Pet therapy

Marley was having a hard time tonight, he was a little in his own world and struggling with trying to communicate with us, he was upset we could see that but we didn't know why. 

He was restless, he was acting out, he wasn't listening at all to anything we said, having to call him numerous times and move directly to in front of him to gain his attention.

We remained patient and let him take his time when we asked what was wrong. I think the pressure of us sitting there waiting for him to reply made it worse. 

I had an idea. I sat him on the couch and went to get one of his guineas Wookiee who is incredibly placid and pretty timid. 

I showed him to gently stroke him while i talked to him about wookiee being little and afraid. I told him that holding him,  being gentle with Wookiee was making him feel safe and secure. 

Marley then started talking to wookiee, he said he was upset and tired. He didn't want to go to bed, because if he goes to bed then he has to go to school and the wrong teacher will be there.

There's a reliever in tomorrow. Myself and his teacher have prepped him that she wont be there. He doesn't like relievers, he likes his normal teacher, he feels secure and ok when she is there. 

Though  now i am thinking about how the morning will go and what i can do to get him to school and be ok being there.

I am so pleased i got wookiee out to sit with him. I know that with just anyone having a pet and stroking/patting them is a huge stress release- its company, unconditional love and attention. Pets don't judge, they don't require Marley to talk or think or be social.They 'listen' .He can just be.

I would love to get a dog, i know how beneficial they can be- unfortunately we don't have the room for the kind of dog that would be helpful for mar. We have room for a little dog but they tend to be yappy and mar is frightened of dogs barking, its too loud for him. 

Cats are alright, the neighbours cat visits from time to time but they're so temperamental. Marley was patting her earlier and she just whipped around though he was being gentle, not in her face at all and scratched him. This is a concern for him.

Rabbits and guineas are quiet, small so non threatening to him, they don't require constant attention. They are content to just be around in their own space.

He has fish in his room that he loves to watch at night swim around with their low purple light. That's calming for him. But i think from now on i'll get the guinea pigs and rabbit in more for him to talk to and calm him down.

Otherwise, Kanye was off again, hes started showing symptoms of being unwell again. He tends to get sick within a  few weeks of being unwell , which i don't know why happens. 

I went to the toy library and they've extended my toy hire from 6 items per time to 10 so i don't have to sign mar up for his own subscription and pay 2 subs.

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