Tiny tragedy on the 213
I have wasted spent hours on a couple of ideas for Tiny Tuesday and all to no avail. The stygian gloom and my own incompetence meant that my elaborately planned focus stacked shot of some moss turned out too dull for words. The gorgeous green shield bug that I found was sadly dead and I only generally do wildlife shots. Finally the pretty little moth which I first saw last night refused to pose in a spot that was remotely accessible.
After all this faffing about I suddenly remembered that the fridge was looking pretty empty and so cursing my luck I set off to Kingston market. It was then on the floor of the top deck of the 213 bus that I came upon this poignant scene which I think speaks to the futility of the human condition. I mean look a the state of that floor! Even I wasn't going to risk breaking the three second rule to scoop up these forlorn looking M&Ms! It might not quite be Tiny Tuesday but it left me a little heartbroken.
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