August hibernation...

What a dreich old day! (Learnt that word from my Scottish blip friends!!)

A day of gloomy skies and non-stop rain, I've even had the lights on in the house! And with such wonderful August weather on offer Toffee and I have taken the only course of action possible and have hibernated for the day!!

Was meant to be meeting a friend in Bristol this evening for a belated birthday meal, but have had to postpone until tomorrow, hoping that both my health and the weather will have improved by then... I did however finally manage to get around to making a phone call and then writing a letter of complaint re last month's 'interesting' Dorset accommodation. As I feared, the company that I booked through just act as advertising agents and are not in a position to offer financial compensation, that's all down to the private owner. So my complaint has been passed on to them and I now have to wait for their response. Watch this space...

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