Caged in...

This restored undershot water wheel on the site of Chew Mill, a former 18th to 19th century brass battery mill which predates the 1500's, is powered by the River Chew. For an alternative view of the water wheel see my extra photo for the day.

Along with this water wheel, I've been feeling caged in for the last couple of weeks... But this morning I felt much better, and for the first time in weeks I went out for a walk! Not only did I manage to buy a birthday present and find a blip in the park, but the fresh air gave me a much-needed boost.

An early blip as I'm heading out soon. Rather than taking the bus into Bristol for a meal, my friend is picking me up and we're just going for a quick drink somewhere nearby. Trying to be sensible (boring!!) and pace myself as there's a 50th Prosecco Birthday party on the cards for tomorrow if I behave myself!! :)

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