So calm

it was very calm this morning as we headed to Avoch to wash the car. I was hoping to see the thatcher that MOLOH saw yesterday on her way trough Fortrose but I think he must have finished. The cottage, Rye Cottage,  was re-thatched back in 2009 so I think it was just a touch up job around the windows.
The tide was out and very flat with great reflections. This little boat has been a good perch for the terns that have nested n the special rafts further out in the Firth. There were plenty about being very vocal. They seem to fly further over to the point to fish.
I had a quick walk round the harbour and watched the swallows flying low over the remaining water.
It was a nice day but the rain has started again . I'm not too worried as the forecast looks pretty good for the next few days.

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