
By Madchickenwoman

Misty eyed

Well not heavy rain today but drizzly and misty – so an indoor day that I happily spent frippering! Mid afternoon trip out necessitated by parcels to be posted and Locusts to be bought for Gunther – he ate the last two small ones and was still looking peckish! Quick shop in Morrisons and bought yummy lemon and fresh cream muffins. On the way home I took photos of cobwebs – great fun but not very good! I called in on Friend to give her a birthday present and eat the muffins, her actual birthday is tomorrow and she is off to a family wedding.  I decided on a Reiki treatment as a present, from the partner of a friend – he lives part time, and mostly works, in London. I saw him in Tavistock last week and my dilemma over what to buy her was sorted! 
Early bedtime for chickens on the allotment due to the weather– great fun pulling up weeds in the darkening light – just so easy when there has been so much rain and the ground is so soft. On the way I passed a very young couple, of incongrous height and size, Jack Spratt and his wife came to mind! They were holding hands, no coats, hats or umbrellas to shield them from the wet – but they didn’t care or even notice – just happy to be together, walking along a route leading to nowhere except maybe his or her home. That sheer contentment, bliss at simply  being together I suddenly and vividly recalled from the days with my ex, the one noone since has ever come near to how it was with him.  He was on my course at college, part of my social group, but it wasn’t till the third year we got together – over the film The Birds! It was on one night and London Boy who I shared a house with couldn’t be persuaded to stay up and watch it with me. There was a knock at the door and upon opening it there he was, I instantly asked him if he wanted to! I have no idea why he called that night, what he wanted, but we watched the film, him in the chair, me at his feet on the floor, both of us as close to the radiator as we could get! After the film we kissed, again, I have no idea how it happened or why, but he left the next morning and so we began. Many years later we parted. We no longer worked however much we wanted it to. I was listening to The Villagers in the car, and one song I particularly love has these lyrics:-
Thank you for your hard work
But I've had it up to here
'Cos this shouldn't be hard work
Least not the kind that makes us half a person
Half a monster
So sad when one becomes a monster in a relationship, when being with someone turns you into one and you feel they are turning you into one. I hope this doesn't happen to the young couple I saw. 

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