
Why is it so hard to leave home? I'm only going for a few days - a day in London then off to Sussex to see Mum and Dad. I love travelling, and I enjoy my own company. So why is it so difficult to get in the car and drive away?
As I leave, a light bulb blows in the bathroom. It starts to rain hard outside. The house is losing its Internet access as I take my phone with me. Oh noooo! It all feels like a wrench. It's always like this. Home is like a giant magnet.
And it's not just me... all of us are leaving in the next few weeks, going our separate ways to new and exciting destinations. But sooner or later, we'll be back, and someone will be glad to see us :-)

I'm rubbish at the Rubik cube, by the way. Was having a go while meeting Joe for coffee.

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